How to figure out if SAFe is safe for your organisation

Any of the Leading SAFe training in Jaipur starts with scaling. The conversation on the experts' forum for any of the leading SAFe training in Dubai also does not question why to scale at all. But a discussion on scaling usually makes up two very distinct camps, one of the people looking to grow their delivery capability who realise they already have too many people in a team of people who have a decent team structure and are only using SAFe for delivery excellence.

However, SAFe is good for one set of people but is completely useless for the other. When the team is small or when a single team is cross-functional, then things are anyways working fine. In this case, simply applying the Scrum guidelines should be fairly enough. Even if your focus is to grow fast, you will not want to break something that is working fine. You will try to increase the rate of delivery but shall maintain the engaged team.

But when you have a lot of teams and borderline anarchy in the system, chances are that the products are obtained organically or through a system of acquisition. Such misalignment of objectives leads to multiple optimised groups that are cluttered around technical components drowned in dependencies and technical debt. Most commonly in such situations, the objective is to fix the system, the attitudes, and relationships rather than to grow.

Applying SAFe to a smaller and well-connected system is a sure shot way to get a lot of strong feedback and pushbacks. But in the other anarchy situation, an introduction of SAFe to align and produce value makes much more sense. The way to improve a complex system is by imposing an order to understand the current way of life, identify the opportunities for improvement, ensure a simple interface, reorganize and improve each part bit by bit. But Scrum in such cases is of no use. 

Any of the Leading SAFe training in Jaipur will make you aware that the top management in such cases would want to reach Stage 5 urgently without knowing how to achieve it. Any leading SAFe training in Dubai will provide methods to apply SAFe in such cases that are a lot less disruptive and compliant with the on-going status-quo and culture.